Curricular Connections: Kindergarten to Grade 4 – Art Contest

Curricular Connections: Kindergarten to Grade 4

Contest Question How can I help my community?

Big Ideas Arts Education

    • People create art to express who they are as individuals (Arts Education Kindergarten)
    • Engagement in the arts creates opportunity for inquiry through purposeful play (Arts Education 1)
    •  People connect to the hearts and minds of others in a variety of places and times through the arts (Arts Education 2)
    • The arts connect our experiences to the experiences of others (Arts Education 3)
    • Exploring works of art exposes us to diverse values, knowledge, and perspectives (Arts Education 4)

Additional creative inspiration can be drawn from:

Big Ideas Social Studies

    • Rights, roles and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others (Social Studies Kindergarten)
    • Our rights, roles and responsibilities are important for building strong communities (Social Studies 1)
    • Local actions have global consequences, and global actions have local consequences (Social Studies 2)
    • Learning about Indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity (Social Studies 3)
    • Demographic changes in North America created shifts in economic and political power (Social Studies 4)

Big Ideas | English Language Arts